HertsLynx Three Rivers

From April 2024, residents of Kings Langley and Abbots Langley will be able to access a “hybrid” demand responsive transport service Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Passengers will be able to book a flexible HertsLynx journey on board one of our Dial-a-Ride buses, linking residents to areas of North Watford.

If you have travelled on our North & East or Dacorum HertsLynx services in the past, the bus may look slightly different. We’ve included a picture below, so you know what to look out for when you’re waiting for your bus to arrive in Three Rivers:

Dial a ride


Passengers will be able to book their journey via the HertsLynx app and track the Dial-a-Ride bus from 30 minutes before their pick up time.

Operating Times

Days of Week

Core Service

Monday – Friday

10:00 – 16:30

Operating Zone