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Viewing the timetable for service 36, 36A

Buntingford to Bishops Stortford via Westmill & Puckeridge
  • Road Closure: Horseshoe Lane in Great Hormead will be closed from Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th October 24/7.

    14th - 16th Oct 2024

    Vectare service 36A will not serve bus stops from Little Hormead Turn Horseshoe Lane to Hare Street B1038 Chapel, the nearest alternative bus stops are Dassels Hill Stonebury Farm or Buntingford Alswick Hall Lane.

Route map

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Service 36AService 36AService 36Service 36AService 36Service 36AService 36Service 36Service 36Service 36Service 36
Buntingford Baldock Rd Greenways 07:05 08:50 10:50 12:50 17:50
Buntingford High St opp The Crown Inn 07:07 08:52 10:07 10:52 12:07 12:52 14:07 16:07 17:52 18:37 19:17
Westmill Ermine St opp Westmill Turn 10:10 12:10 14:10 16:10 17:55 18:40 19:20
Hare Street B1038 Chapel 07:12 08:56 10:56 12:56
Gt Hormead Horseshoe Hill Willow Close 07:15 08:59 10:59 12:59
Little Hormead Turn Horseshoe Lane (SW) 07:18 09:02 11:02 13:02
Dassels B1368 opp Hobbs Lane 07:23 09:07 11:07 13:07
Braughing B1368 The Golden Fleece PH 07:27 09:10 11:10 13:10
Puckeridge Station Rd Crown & Falcon PH 07:33 09:15 10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 16:15 18:00 18:45 19:25
Standon South Rd opp Aston Rd 10:17 12:17 14:17 16:17 18:02 18:47 19:27
Standon Kents Lane South Rd 10:18 12:18 14:18 16:18 18:03 18:48 19:28
Standon Station Rd opp Heron Restaurant 07:38 09:20 11:20 13:20
Little Hadham Stortford Rd Albury Rd 07:48 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 16:25 18:10 18:55 19:35
Bishop's Park Tesco 08:00 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 14:31 16:31 18:16 19:01 19:41
B Stortford Beaumont Ave High School 08:10
Thorley Park V-Sur-Marne opp The Colts 08:13
Bishop's Stortford St Mary's RC School 08:17
Bishop's Stortford Bridge St Stop J 08:19 09:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 13:36 14:36 16:36 18:21 19:06 19:46
Bishop's Stortford Interchange 10:40 12:40 14:40 16:40 18:25 19:10 19:50
Bishop's Stortford Interchange Stop E 09:40 This stop is for set down only 11:40 This stop is for set down only 13:40 This stop is for set down only
B Stortford Dunmow Rd opp Nags Head PH 08:24
B Stortford Dunmow Rd Birchwood Sch 08:30

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